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We have tried to answer all the important questions you might have about the course here, but do contact us with our contact form if you have any other questions or would like to get in touch. 

  • Is the course fee likely to be covered by my study budget?
    For an ST3 aiming to sit the SCA exam most deaneries will cover all or some of the cost of one SCA course within the study budget. You should check with your training programme director, however, as this will vary from region to region. Some will cover the full cost of our course while others may set a budget cap for an SCA course.
  • The course details say the simulations will be 'backed up by theory' what do you mean by that?
    The emphasis of the course is to equip you with the tools for great consulting. In between breakout sessions with the actors we will come together as a whole group for teaching sessions, bringing out the key challenges of the cases that were covered and illustrating the communication tools that can be used in meeting these challenges. This will help to embed learning as well as give a rhythm to the day with regular breaks from the scenarios.
  • How many cases will I get to practise?
    There will be 9 clinical cases overall, so each person attending will practise 3 cases and observe another 6 during the day.
  • How much do the courses cost?
    Each full day cost is £495 per person
  • Will the course explain how the SCA works?
    Although the course is intended to prepare you for the SCA, information about the SCA itself is freely available on the RCGP website and so we will not be spending time talking about the mechanics of the SCA. We believe the time on the course will be much better spent focusing on the consultation.
  • What happens if I have to cancel? Can I have a refund?
    Please check our terms and conditions page for full details concerning refunds.
  • How is the course delivered?
    Since the SCA is a virtual exam, the course will be delivered virtually using zoom.
  • How many people will attend each course?
    There will be a maximum of 6 people on each course. We will be working with two trainers (Mohan and Martin) and two actors and so each simulation will be with three attendees, one trainer and one actor. The groups will mix throughout the day so that trainees will get to work with both trainers, both actors and a range of the other trainees on the course, allowing the observation of different consulting styles.
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